Sunday, June 8, 2008

HEY JOE...where you goin' it matters!!

Joe Manchin MUST GO!! Joe Manchin is from a long line of professional politicians, and that in itself is sad. "Politician" was NEVER meant to be an occupation, NEVER. However, that is one of our worst problems we have in the United States politicians. Career politicians WILL NOT rock the boat enough to truly make a difference in peoples lives unless it gives him/her good press.

Joe does NOT TRULY care about State workers. ANYONE who says he does is NOT a State worker, and if you are and you make that statement, then you are NOT a blue collar are a white collar worker who will flourish no matter who is Governor as long as you and more like you keep your collective mouths shut. I will no longer shut up for Joe, Bob, or whoever wants me to just be a meek and mild little old faithful employee for brother Joe...NOT gonna happen, NOT gonna do it.

SHOW ME...ONE THING...that Joe Manchin has done to TRULY make a difference in rank & file State workers lives...come on...just one. Joe Manchin is concerned about ONE thing and one thing only, and that is securing his spot as the most popular Governor in America, as well as making certain he let's everyone know just how sweet and kind he is. Mike Garrison is typical...the type of crooked behavior he participated in is NOTHING new to Joe, just in all reality...the same ol' same ol'.

People of Wes Virginia...if you like being LAST in EVERYTHING you would want to be first in...KEEP Joe Manchin. If you like to be FIRST in EVERYTHING you should be LAST in...then KEEP Joe Manchin. Joe Manchin not only WANTS all of the people who are now on welfare or receives food stamps or any other government subsidy to STAY on them...he wants more...I GUARANTEE IT!! . He wants more, and more, and more of us to depend on him, that we he can say how much he has done for the 'POOR" people of West Virginia. Instead of working on a TRUE living wage for "HIS" employees, he is too busy working on what our State sign says!!!??? Joe, buddy, you ARE a self-righteous career politician, and you need to retire from your so-called "public service". I know it, and Joe, the good thing about it is that pal, you know it as well.

A vote for Joe Manchin in November is a vote for exactly what he wants, and exactly what EVERY other career politician wants, and that is for me, you, and every citizen, as much as possible, to depend on him as much as possible...think about it..if you no longer had to depend on Joe, and you and your family became self sufficient and your next generation and so forth and so forth needed him LESS AND LESS AND LESS....then him and the likes of him would...guess what people....they would then NEED US!!!

Joe Manchin is OUR EMPLOYEE folks!!! He works FOR US!!! NEVER forget that...he is at OUR beckon call, and should do what the will of the people calls for...nothing more, NOTHING LESS!!!

A lot of people steer clear of me simply because I am so...see where NOT being controversial gets you. It WILL get you the same paycheck, with the same "smoke up your ass" and sunny skies attitude that Joe and his kind are so good at sharing with you. I have my name on this blog, I have my picture on this blog...I am PROUD of my opinion, and if anyone gives a damn, I just happen to be correct. Put that in your "smipe and poke it...Joe".

If he and his people were to tell you the truth, they would have ZERO clue as to where to start, NONE. Again, I am controversial, and if you want change, you will jump in and be controversial as well...if you like where you are...then by all means, keep Joe. Yeah, YOU keep him, I can't stand you Joe, it IS PERSONAL, and you MUST GO buddy...UNLESS you comprehend that without are NOTHING pal...NOTHING!!! Just so you idiots who think I am threatening Joe boy...NOTHING could be further from the truth, unless not voting and voicing my opinions are threatening...idiots...anyway...anyone that puts their own personal well-being before the MILLIONS that they could help, then folks, THEY are the REAL threat.

Joe Manchin IS NOT good for this State...NEVER has been...NEVER will be. The truth is a difficult thing to swallow folks, and the truth is that we have been under the same regime here in West Virginia for MANY MANY years, and I have no doubt that it will continue, which means that the lies, deceit, blatant out and out corruption and illegal activities will not cease. They will in fact continue, and become more and more powerful which means that we, the PEOPLE, will get exactly what we have been getting for many years, only the quality of their work will be raised (or lowered, depending on how you look at it) to levels we have not yet experienced. Like the great poet and amazing American Charlie Daniels once said, "I ain't nothin' but a simple man, call me a redneck I reckon that I am, but there's things goin' on got me mad down to the core. There's crooked politicians and crime in the street and I ain't gonna take it no more." Simple, yet 1000000% the truth...and it goes on and on...


Cara Chapman said...

People you have to know that Jeff is telling the truth. I was a meeting with Joe Manchin when one of my co-workers told him that she works for him but must also stand in the welfare line to get foodstamps to feed her family, which alone is sad enough, but Joe Manchins reply made me mad as hell. he said and I quote..." If you are recieving food stamps you are still recieving state benifits and wages" that burnt my ass. she works hard for the piddly wages she earns and she does a damn good job and Joe, who should be helping the workers that are making not even enough to keep them off of welfare is laughing in her face. she was forced to work overtime and lost six months of the foodstamps she shouldnt have to recieve anyway. how does that make sence? Joe Manchin does not and never will care about the people who put him where he is at, by working to make this place what it is. We the "little" people built this city and this state, "WE" did it, Joe Manchin did not, neither did any other politician, we worked to make it what it is and we are getting less and less for our hard work. get rid of Joe blow hard and see if we can get someone in there who actually gives a damn about the " little" people, the very ones who put them in the position they are in now, the very ones who without us, would be nothing at all.

shelia said...


I totally agree with everything both of you have posted.

State workers especially need to wake up and smell the coffee. We have been lied to over and over by this administration. Enough is enough. Time to get a backbone and vote Manchin out of office this November.

I encourage everyone to read Russ Week's book about what really happens in Manchin's administration. I also am encouraging everyone to vote for Russ Week's for Governor of WV in November.

AFSCME and the AFL-CIO are supporting Manchin, but I hope that union members still affliated with both groups are not a bunch of sheep and can make an informed decision. If you actually investigate both candidates, there seems to be only one logical choice if we really want to see change in WV Government, and that is Russ Weeks.

I know that Manchin has powerful friends and unlimited funds but it is still the "little people" who ultimately make the decision at the polls.

Please at least make an effort to vote this November!! If you don't vote then you have no reason to complain because you are ultimately part of the problem.

It would also be nice to hear some opinions from new people who read Jeff's Blogs. Jeff has spent a lot of time setting up these blogs so we have a place to voice our opinions, at least we can do is show him that we do appreciate it.

shelia said...

I thought this was a very interesting site to share with everyone.

shelia said...

Democrats circle wagons to protect Manchin from fallout of WVU scandal
Last week, about a dozen Republican lawmakers along with Democrat Sen. Mel Kessler signed on to a letter to Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin and House Speaker Rick Thompson asking for an investigation by a joint commission of the Judiciary Committee into the scandal at West Virginia University, and asked other legislators of both parties to join them.

Since the State Legislature funnels millions of dollars every year to WVU, it might not seem unreasonable for lawmakers to take an interest in several aspects of the scandal, including those raised by the proposed letter to legislative leaders, including:

1) Where and/or who did the “palpable” pressure come from to invent grades for Heather Bresch?

2) Is the awarding of fake degrees isolated to just the Bresch case or are there many other Bresch-like scandals and/or instances of misfeasance and malfeasance occurring in all of the academic departments at WVU every year?

3) What action should the Legislature take to eliminate other scandals and similar problems from happening in the future?

Democrats so far have little interest in finding answers to these questions, or even asking the questions, for that matter.

Under similar circumstances, a governor in most states who appointed most of the Board of Governors, backed the selection of the new president, had his son or daughter awarded an unearned degree, and had the degree justified by the manufacture of grades out of thin air would find himself in deep political trouble, both in the media and even within his own party. But so far, Democrats are circling the wagons, as evidenced by their comments at right.
Hear no evil,

see no evil,

speak no evil

From various news accounts, Democrats have been weighing in with responses to calls by GOP lawmakers to launch a legislative probe into the scandal at WVU and the process for selecting a president of the school.

“It is not our duty to do the job that the Board of Governors should be doing. It’s not our job to run WVU or Marshall.”

--Del. Bob Tabb

“Right now we need less politics and more sanity.”

-- Sen. John Unger

"I don't know if there's any clamor or any need to re-examine that process.''

-- Sen. Jeff Kessler

Republican Delegate Jonathan Miller summed it up well:

"If the Democrats don't sign on, then their lack of support and participation will effectively make it partisan

This above was published by the Republican Gazette

Jeff said...

I thank you both for participating...ladies, and I mean is time that we talk some serious shit. If Russ Weeks is to have any chance at all, he sincerely needs as many state workers as he, we, can possibly muster.

The "WE" that continually gets mentioned here and in other forums "WE" participate in can make a difference in this upcoming race. When I spoke with Mr. Weeks, I had a sincere worry that he could not beat Manchin, but after speaking with him, he TRULY believes he can do it, and folks, we MUST believe also. NO ONE, and i mean NO ONE thought he could win his Senate seat, but he did, so who am I to not believe in this man. In fact, I do believe in him. Not only that he can win, but more specifically in him the person, and the FACT that he WILL be a literally blessing for this State.

This State is filled with quality people, in fact, we are probably, per capita, blessed with better people than any other in the entire United States...however, we are all one thing to Joe Manchin, and that is "stepping stones".

Believe me when I say one thing; Joe Manchin has higher, MUCH higher expectations than being Governor of West Virginia. He WILL NOT risk doing anything major that will make him appear to be a loose cannon or someone who is unpredictable. He will continue to be a 100% liberal Democrat who "knows" better how to handle "our" money, and he also believes that he can handle a situation better than anyone else, even if he does not have the expertise to do so.

As MR. Weeks said in his book, Joe Manchin was more concerned about getting legislation out on new mining because the "press was breathing down his neck", instead of worrying about what really mattered, and that was the LONG TERM safety of all present as well as future miners. If anyone reads this and it offends them...tough shit, it's the truth, and that is ALL I speak...Joe Manchin on the other hand...well, you know the truth, whether you want to accept it or not. I mean really, why would I expect anyone to look at the history of our current leaders and leadership and what they have done and where we as a State and people are at on the totem pole...

Jeff said...

A perfect example of Joe and his no controversy attitude...even though Hillary Clinton won the West Virginia primary by a LANDSLIDE...tough guy Manchin decided he was not going to give his super-delegate vote until after a certain other words, he wanted to wait and see who was going to win, then give his vote to that person, AFTER it does not matter...which is exactly what he did. WAKE UP WEST VIRGINIA!!!! YOUR VOTE, YOUR OPINION, YOUR LITERAL LIFE DOES NOT MATTER TO THIS MAN!!

Hillary won this State hands down, but blow hard Joe gave his vote to Obama...HEY YOU, yeah that's right, YOU...YOU do NOT matter...if you me where & how...I just showed you the opposite, your turn.