Monday, June 9, 2008

MOJO and Kallie Cart from WSAZ - A.K.A. - MY HERO...LOL

This is an AWESOME story, and more of what we need on this guy...typical Joe...GO KALLIE!! I got this from Vic Sprouse's blog page...thanks Vic. JW

The Mojo ran out on WSAZ reporter Kallie Cart March 10, 2008

Who in the world is this Kallie Cart? Has she not received the memo?

Memo to WSAZ leadership - the next time you send a reporter to the Capitol to do a live interview with the Governor, make sure they read the memo.

You know, the memo where reporters aren’t supposed to ask the Governor follow-up questions and RULE NUMERO UNO in West Virginia journalism - if the Governor says its so, well, its so. Never mind that it might not be true, if the Gov says its true, just believe it.

Ms. Cart obviously didn’t read the memo.

In one of the most hysterical interviews I have seen in some time, this new reporter at WSAZ completely beat the daylights out of the Governor and made him look… well, like he was living in his own world apart from the rest of us… which is true, but you just never see the Governor take a beating like this.

Let’s face it, West Virginia reporters for the most part simply accept what Manchin says as if he carried the Word down from God himself.

Even the reporters who do have some backbone seem to get weak-knee’d when Mojo puts on the charm. In fact, I think Gazette reporter Phil Kabler has a mancrush on the Mojo.

So, imagine Manchin’s surprise when this young reporter asked him a question about an AP report that said the Senate session was delayed because the Senators were watching the WVU game that went into overtime.

Mojo brushed it off and said “I didn’t hear any of that” and launched into his talking points.

Mojo had the big smile working and the doughy-eyed stare into the eyes and thought he had swooned this female reporter as he does most others.

OK, NOW, this is the point where most reporters, with Joe turning on all the Mojo he can muster - simply agree with him and move on to some softball question.

Not Kallie.

Since Mojo DIDN’T ANSWER her question, she did the unthinkable.


“Was the senate session delayed?”

Joe muttered, “not that I know of.”

Cart pressed him… ‘they were saying that because the game went into overtime, lot of missed meetings, fewer late nights than ever… was this session a lackluster session?”


The Mojo was stunned. You could see it in his face. It was like Kallie landed one on the champ’s chin and buckled his knees for the first time. And, Mojo knew he was in for a fight.

Joe said, “well, maybe they are working more efficiently, maybe people aren’t used to that, I don’t know.”

That one cracked me up.

The Mojo seemed shocked at her questioning, he threw his head back with this big, fake smile and rattled off how we were going to cut taxes (when the next Governor takes office, of course) and we were adding money to the SBA for new schools and that this session was the most glorious in his entire lifetime (OK, he didn’t say that last part, but you get my drift).

I’m sure in the Mojo’s mind THIS had to finally put this reporter in her place, how dare she ask follow-up questions? So, he went back to the big smile, the hesitation, the look into the reporters eyes, I mean, he was throwing all the Mojo he could muster at her, she just HAD to fall under his spell.

It didn’t work.

So, he blurted out - ”WHO keeps saying all of this?” (about the WVU game and it being a lackluster session.)

Kallie gave a fake laugh and said, “it was just an AP report that was put out today.” Joe threw his head back and gave a fake laugh himself.

Then what?


She started into the question “it does feel like the sense of urgency here on the final night isn’t really the same…”

And, before she could get the actual question out, Mojo cut her off and went into a diatribe about the calendar not being the same (which I’m sure most average West Virginians thought that maybe we switched from the Gregorian calendar to the Mojoian calendar where every day is a holiday filled with candy canes and lollipops)…

And, he ended his comment with “there are so many positive big things. (and his voice went high-pitched) R-E-A-L big things.”

It was hysterical.

Yes, REAL big things Kallie, if you just listened to me long enough, you would believe everything I say.

So, Kallie was finally coming around. After all, Mojo JUST told her that REAL big things were happening!

Kallie asked… “even though it’s an election year, do you not think an election year played any part of maybe a lackluster session?”


I thought Mojo’s head was going to explode when she said LACKLUSTER for the third time.

It was as if she landed a one-two-three-four combination and Manchin was on the ropes just trying to get to the end of the round.

Manchin became unhinged and went off about how much better off we are in this state than our surrounding states.

Trust me, if this was Russia and Mojo were the Czar, Kallie would be doing her next report on the latest outbreak of scurvy at a Siberian labor camp.

So, Joe threw a haymaker of his own at Cart and confirmed that he is next in line for the loony bin. I mean, if he actually believes this next statement that he threw out there, then he really is living in an alternative universe.

And, I had to rewind this (the magic of TiVo) and listen to hear if if ACTUALLY said this… but, he did.

“For some reason, people are having a tough time coming to grips with all the prosperity we have had.”


Did he actually say that our state was SO prosperous and that people just didn’t know what to do with all the prosperity?

Holy smokes. He’s off his rocker.

Right, we are all kinda like Jack Whittaker, so flush with money and prosperity that we don’t know what to do with it all.

I know there are people in Campbell’s Creek tonight, so prosperous they are beating their heads against the walls of their houses muttering… “should I get the Mercedes or the Lexus? The Mercedes or the Lexus?”

I’m sure there is a husband in Gilmer County today looking in his fridge and yelling to his wife, “Ethel, dammit woman, we are out of caviar AGAIN, what DO you DO all day?”

I’m sorry, but Mojo has lost it. He has way too many yes people around him telling him what he wants to hear.

The state is so prosperous that people don’t know what to do with it? Wow.

Someone needs to give the Gov a reality check.

The taxcuts he talks about? During his next term we will have a 0.25% reduction in the corporate net. It’s not until 2012, 2013 and 2014 that the tax is actually reduced. When? Right, when the next Governor takes office.

The Mojo reminds me of the Jesus loves me song that children sing… you know, the “Jesus loves me, this I know, ’cause the Bible tells me so.”

Only his version is the one hummed by the vast majority of state reporters, “West Virginia is prosperous, this I know, ’cause the Mojo tells me so.”

Maybe Ms. Cart’s punishment will be to memorize that song - as she packs her long johns for Siberia.


Cara Chapman said...

shear poetry. I had a blast reading this. Shawn loved it also. he laughed his... well, you know, off. but yes, that is true, the prosperity here in almost heaven wv, is so overrun that we put california off the map. oh wait a minute, got stuck in mojo's world there for a minute. yup, your right Jeff, he needs a bed at Bateman. I think we might as well add him, we have an overload as it is and I am sure it wouldn't hurt him to lay in a bed that isn't meant to be in a room and has no cabinet and that he has to climb over things to get to because it is so overcrouded, after all, his mentally ill citizens have to.

shelia said...

As posted on "THE REPUBLICAN GAZETTE" website.

"Russ Weeks has accepted an invitation from the West Virginia Broadcasters Association to debate Gov. Joe Manchin in a simulcast forum scheduled for October.

Weeks responded Tuesday to the WVBA, accepting its invitation to "enable our citizens to have a statewide opportunity to become aware of each candidate's platform and help them make an intelligent, informed decision on November 4th."

The debate will be broadcast live across West Virginia on television and radio. Final details will be formalized in July, assuming Manchin also accepts the invitation.

Weeks also reissued his challenge to Manchin to engage in seven regional debates across West Virginia.

"It is my hope that the governor will not deprive the people of West Virginia of the opportunity to hear the clear differences between our approaches to state government by severely limiting the number of times he is willing to engage in face-to-face debates," said Weeks. "Voters especially deserve to hear a frank debate about the cronyism and corruption that permeate state government today."

Jeff said...

There is one thing for sure, Russ Weeks will NOT allow MOJO to run and hide. I am hearing a lot of rumblings about Russ, and I sincerely hope we can more on board to help him.

If Manchin refuses to debate, the walking dead voters here ion WV SHOULD see there is something to hide...will, they? WHo knows...GO RUSS WEEKS!! Thanks Shelia for the story.